
Even if your life was perfect, that wouldn’t be enough to satisfy you. Perfect is not perfect enough. There will always be a horizon, always something else to seek. The trick lies in seeing through the game, rather than removing oneself from it. The trick lies in realizing there is no such thing as a settled state. Life is dynamic.

It follows that peace can never be had by trying to dominate life into submission. Life resists. But peace can be had by accepting that fact. Peace can be had by letting go.

As a human being, you will always seek novelty to some extent. It is in your nature. To resist this would simply scare off the sense of peace you are so desperately seeking. Likewise, to lean too far into it would accomplish much the same. Peace lies in seeing yourself for what you are, not in trying to make yourself into this or that.

The more you come at life with your conditions, the more it will laugh in your face. It doesn’t care what you want, only what you are.


An Unbothered Mind


The Cost of Identity