Can Everyone Be Happy?

Q: Can everyone be happy?

A: Yes.

Q: What about starving children in Africa?

A: Are you a starving child in Africa?

Q: No. So what?

A: If we have this conversation on a purely theoretical level, you will have no way of knowing whether or not the things I say are true.

Q: How can I know what you say is true?

A: By discovering the truth of it for yourself.

Q: How can I become happy?

A: By dropping all desires.

Q: Is that even possible?

A: Only when you’re ready.

Q: How do I become ready?

A: There is no way of becoming ready. When you have had enough, you have had enough.

Q: But readiness must depend on something.

A: Your readiness to drop your desires depends on the appeal that they hold for you. As long as they are attractive to you, you will not be able to ignore them completely, and I would not advise you to try.

Q: What’s wrong with trying?

A: It has nothing to do with being wrong, and everything to do with being ineffective. Trying to ignore your desires essentially means that you want not to want anything. It is self-defeating.

Q: So what do I do?

A: Even the question of what you should do implies that you want something. If there was nothing you wanted, you would have no reason to ask for guidance.

Q: Are you saying that there is no way out of this?

A: I am saying that you cannot force yourself out of it. Desires drop with the realization that they create more trouble than they’re worth. It’s as simple as that.

Q: Do you not want anything?

A: Beyond the basic level, like having food when I’m hungry, I don’t see how I could. I don’t see anything worth wanting.

Q: So I will be happy when I no longer want anything?

A: Yes.

Q: Thank you.


Nothing To Say


The Good Life